Stockinger, Jeannette: The Mountain Dreamer – A Travel Companion to Yourself. English Trade Edition.

 30,00 inkl. MwSt.

Breathe in and breathe out — take a moment of silence and connect with Mother Earth and Father Sky so that the energies of both can flow through you. Have you ever tried to love unconditionally?

What is your current dream in life?

The English Trade Edition. Made of Lahnur®-Paper with support by and



The English Trade Edition. Made of Lahnur®-Paper with support by and

The Mountain Dreamer – A Travel Companion to Yourself.

English Trade Edition.

Stockinger, Jeannette (Autor / Autorin) / Halama, Heide Julie (Übersetzt von) / Halama, Dieter (Herausgegeben von) / Stockinger, Jeannette (Illustriert von)


Villa Wiental – Mag. Dieter Halama


2. Auflage, 2. English edition based on the 3rd revised and expanded German edition

30,00 EUR, Reduzierter Satz, Gebundener Ladenpreis inklusive Steuer

30,00 EUR, Reduzierter Satz, Gebundener Ladenpreis inklusive Steuer


Die Bergträumerin – ein Reisebegleiter zum Selbst.



H 25 cm / B 18 cm / –



Life is a magical game – take a chance to recognise yourself in it.

“I want to climb to the top of the mountain and come to know myself in the process. Through every encounter without, I come to know myself more within, so I have accepted every encounter with other people as a gift. I was allowed to walk through deep valleys, enjoy the heights of the mountain and thus discover the heavenly being and the creative potential within me. I dream of a world of peace and joy within every human being. Our intuition and dreaming are the most important elements of a free life, because this is where the future of every single person is created through self-determined creativity.”

In twenty dialogues filled with spiritual meaning she encounters on her way to the mountain peak of the self, the Mountain Dreamer reflects on topics such as mindfulness, awareness, love and trust as the foundation for a free and self-determined life. With her collages, Jeannette Stockinger expands the space opened up by symbolic texts into an ambiguous cosmos of inspiration for your own journey to yourself. At the end of each chapter, the author offers specific questions called ‘Feelings to Trace’. Everyone is invited to reflect on life and their own dreams.

Breathe in and breathe out – take a moment of silence and connect with Mother Earth and Father Heaven so that the energy of both can flow through you. Have you ever tried to love unconditionally?
What in this life is your heart’s dream?

For Jeannette Stockinger, the mountains are a place of freedom. She loves the stillness and peace of nature. When she decided to radically change her life, a few years ago, the mountains became her personal place to reflect, recharge her batteries and let go. After studying at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
with stays abroad in England, Canada and Switzerland, and earning a master’s
degree in Communication, Jeannette Stockinger gained professional experience in marketing and product development.
At the age of twenty, while travelling through America, she discovered her true passion: the practice of yoga. “That one yoga class completely changed my life,” she says enthusiastically. Since then, she has deepened her knowledge and daily practice in various styles of yoga and meditation with local and international teachers. She is also learning the technique of systemic constellation work in a dialogue context, with Eelco de Geus and Karin Schöber. The combination of yoga and systemic constellations eventually led her to systemic bodywork, which she intensified with her teacher Siawasch Peyman. She soon realised that her ability to feel and perceive was a great gift in her life.
Jeannette shares her experience in the fields of yoga, meditation, mindfulness, holistic health and consciousness development with individuals and companies in the form of consultations, courses and seminars. She expresses her creativity in words, paintings, illustrations and various art projects.
“The Mountain Dreamer – A Travel Companion to Yourself” is her first book as an author.

Dieter Halama deals with the topics of art and books in his „Villa Wiental“ in Pressbaum near Vienna. As an art historian, he publishes on cultural-historical topics, teaches at Vienna adult education centers, gives lectures and organizes cultural-historical tours. In addition to the bookstore and antiquarian bookstore, he binds and restores books and also passes on this craft in the form of courses. www.